
Standing With Working Families

and fighting for you on Beacon Hill

Standing With Working Families

and fighting for you on Beacon Hill

“As the son of a nurse and plumber, I was taught the value of hard work at a very young age. I also learned that a hard day’s work should come with the promise of a fair wage, good benefits, and the ability to retire.

Every day, I take those values with me to Beacon Hill to make sure hardworking men and women – whether they are in a union or not – are taken care of in our Commonwealth.

I’ve had the great opportunity, as ranking member of the Labor and Workforce Development Committee, to promote job creation, expose wage theft, and support policies benefiting workplace equality and safety.

Now, more than ever before, this job is about bringing people together, building consensus among diverse coalitions, and delivering results.” 

-State Senator Patrick O'Connor

By putting people before politics, Senator O’Connor earned the support of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO and has been called “a champion for working men and women” by their President, Steven Tolman.

Senator O'Connor has also earned the support of:
  • Massachusetts AFL-CIO
  • International Union of Operating Engineers Local 4
  • United Food & Commercial Workers Union Local 328
  • United Steelworkers Local 12003
  • Boston Carmen's Union 589
  • United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America Local 346
  • International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers Local 7
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 103
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 223
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2222
  • International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers Local 264
  • Laborers' International Union of North America- Local 133

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