By fighting for lower costs for consumers, widening coverage, and increasing transparency we will can move toward creating a system of care that meets the needs of all Massachusetts residents.

Visiting the Friendship Home in Norwell.
Massachusetts must be properly equipped to afford people the right and accessibility to quality and affordable health care. I was proud to support several pieces of legislation empowering medical professionals, disease education, and providing for paid family and medical leave. Families should not have to experience financial strain for unavoidable medical situations.
During the budget process I cosponsored amendments protecting consumers from overpriced medications, requiring the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to recognize and pay for the full costs of Adult Day Health Services, and funding a statewide Alzheimer’s education program. I sponsored legislation to safeguard Alzheimer and Autistic individuals by requiring insurers to cover tracking devices for those who tend to wander or get lost.
One of my priority pieces of legislation from this past session was to make Massachusetts the 11th state to distribute free Baby Boxes to new mothers and families. Baby Boxes are cardboard bassinets lined with a firm, breathable mattress designed to act as a safe sleep space for an infant. Too often are newborns subjected to unsafe sleep conditions, which can lead to injury or even death. By providing Baby Boxes for free, we can reduce the chances of this happening, while simultaneously bringing new mothers into a closer relationship with the healthcare community and providing them a basic education in parenting. New parents would be required to enroll in a brief online course before receiving their Baby Box.
We have seen a growing presence of Lyme disease in our district. Lyme is a devastating illness and we must ensure coverage for those who need it as well as educate our residents about preventative measures. I was proud to secure funding for the Department of Public Health to run a series of television ads to make Massachusetts residents aware of ticks and mosquitoes, the diseases they might carry, and ways to stay safe when outdoors.